
Tutorial for installing bosh with terraform

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Quickstart for the Impatient

To get an environment up and running, the following quickstart guide suffices. However, this part of the tutorial is only recommended for those who have prior experience with both, terraform and bosh.

  1. Clone the git repository of this guide, which provides all required terraform HashiCorp configuration language (HCL) files.

     git clone
     cd bosh-install
  2. Install terraform, if you haven’t done that already.

     curl -fSL "" -o
     sudo unzip -d /opt/terraform
     sudo ln -s /opt/terraform/terraform /usr/bin/terraform
     rm -f
  3. Create a file terraform.tfvars in the src directory which includes your AWS access key and secret key

     cd src
     touch terraform.tfvars
     echo "access_key=...
     secret_key=..." >> terraform.tfvars
  4. Execute the rollout script to deploy a jumbox and from there a bosh director. For internet access an auxiliary nat instance will be rolled out.

  5. To destroy your environment after you finished the guide, execute the destroy script. You may want to go through your AWS console to make sure that everything is destroyed as planned.
